
Pioneer of Talk Radio

In the article “After Reshaping Talk Station, He’s Moving On” (by Steve Carney, Jan. 25) it appears that David Hall is ignorant of one of the true pioneers of talk radio: Joe Pyne. Pyne was a right-wing, opinionated and forthright personality who would never have tolerated a “ditto” let alone a “megaditto” on his show and refused to allow callers to fawn over him, unlike Rush Limbaugh, who wants callers to “make him look good.”

Pyne was ruffling feathers on KLAC in the 1960s when David Hall was still in his crib. Although they tried with Marv Gray and Sam Yorty (then Wally George), no one ever replaced Joe Pyne.

For my money, you could lump every loudmouthed talk show personality from today all into one; they still wouldn’t hold a candle to the pioneer of talk radio: Joe Pyne.



North Hollywood
