
Third World Again a Victim of Terror

“A Dance of Death for Kenyan Troupe” (Nov. 30) described the terrible impact on those Kenyans of this recent terrorist attack, both those who were murdered and those who survived this heinous attack, all for the purpose of murdering three innocent Israelis, two teenagers and an elderly man. The income of thousands of Kenyans, in fact their ability to provide daily food for themselves and their families, was stolen by these Muslim terrorists.

Of course this is hardly the first time that Kenya and other Third World nations have been victims of the Arab/Muslim terror. The bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi -- in which 200 Kenyans were killed and 5,000 wounded -- and in Bali are only two examples.

Israel, a long-term supporter of the Third World, is clearly not the only victim of this terror. How long will the Third World, a frequent victim of this evil, continue to side with such terrorists and their supporters in the Middle East? Perhaps the professors and students in American universities who justify, defend and offer their support to such terror should consider the impact of this terrorism on the Third World, which they also claim to support. It is time the world sees these evil murderers for what they are and gives up the myths created to attempt to defend such evil.


Howard S. Secof

Los Angeles


Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he wants to find those responsible for the terrorist attack on the hotel in Kenya. All he has to do is look in a mirror.

William McCall

