
How to Restructure California Health Care

Re “Fast Health Reform for L.A.,” editorial, Nov. 25: It must be stated that the Bush administration -- through the leadership of Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson -- has led the effort for structural health systems reform and the removal of disincentives. As they have in Washington, D.C., and St. Louis, these reforms can and should be replicated on a larger scale in L.A. County.

Currently, the most significant impediment to reform is the lack of financial participation by the state. California is ranked 51st among U.S. states and the District of Columbia in the level of Medicaid (Medi-Cal) spending per beneficiary. If the state were to provide a true match for all the federal Medicaid funding that it draws, there would be sufficient funding available to provide a stable and accessible health-care system.

Further, reforms must include allowing reimbursements to follow the patient from inpatient services to outpatient settings through cost-effective public/private partnerships. Gov. Gray Davis and the state Legislature must put the health and safety of our citizens higher on their list of priorities and immediately address the health crisis in L.A. County.


Michael D. Antonovich

L.A. County Supervisor
