
Secession Lesson for a Town Without City

Why all the furor and indecision over the name to use if the Valley secessionists are successful? What could be more appropriate than “Seamy Valley”?

Robert Babbitt

Granada Hills


If the San Fernando Valley secedes, I recommend they name it “Lost Angeles.” The remaining L.A. could be called “Last Angeles.”

Gary A. Robb

Los Angeles


Considering its largest export, shouldn’t San Fernando Valley’s new city name be “Pornsylvania”?


Paul Schowalter



One of my favorite reasons for living in the Valley should be considered as a possible name in case of secession: Free Parking! Yes, it’s becoming less and less available, but “Four Hours Free With Validation” is such a mouthful, and who would write it on their envelopes?

Perhaps if you named the Valley “Free Parking” it would be on everyone’s mind so much that it would make it so--and the FlyAway [park-and-ride lot in Van Nuys] would go back to $1 a day (which is just as good as free) rather than the outrageous $4 a day (no credit cards accepted) that it has recently been upped to.

Kate McHugh

Sherman Oaks
