
Terror Expert Gets Airport Job

Associated Press

A former White House advisor on counterterrorism was appointed Thursday as head of the agency that oversees Logan Airport.

Craig Coy, former chief executive of the personnel management company HR Logic Inc., was named chief executive of the Massachusetts Port Authority.

Security at Logan was heavily criticized, and Massport was condemned as an assemblage of political appointees, after the World Trade Center was brought down by two jetliners hijacked out of Logan on Sept. 11.


Coy’s predecessor, Virginia Buckingham, a former chief of staff to Govs. Paul Cellucci and William Weld, quit in October.

“I come here to work,” said Coy, 52, a 20-year Coast Guard veteran who served as deputy director for counterterrorism for the National Security Council.

Massport’s board of directors approved a four-year contract for the $250,000-a-year job to protect Coy from political pressure.


In December, Gov. Jane Swift said she would not make any more political appointments to the agency.

Swift, who once held a patronage job at Massport, also released a report in December recommending a major shake-up and up to $80 million in immediate security improvements at the agency.
