
Neighbor Should Adopt Capistrano’s Wisdom

Re “Religious, Gay Clubs Allowed Back on Campus,” Aug. 23:

Kudos to Capistrano Unified School District. I am a former Saddleback Valley student who stood and cheered with youthful optimism at the 2001 commencement when my class’ co-valedictorian called for the reinstatement of extracurricular campus organizations. I am a protester who saw my school board oppose their community’s popular support.

Now that its great, farcical closed-mindedness has been blasted into oblivion by its closest neighbor, perhaps the Saddleback Valley district will change its ridiculous ways before losing all of its credibility, not to mention all of its money in legal fees, in what has become a Vietnam-like battle against enlightened ideologies in South County.

Matthew Donley

Mission Viejo
