
Building Schools for L.A. Students

Re “Hundreds to Be Moved for 85 New Schools,” Oct. 23: Finally! For at least 10 years I have been reading that the LAUSD is desperately in need of sites upon which to build new schools. For just as many years I have read that some group or other has been able to block the purchase of appropriate sites. I credit the successful purchase of these 85 sites to Supt. Roy Romer’s determination to provide a first-class education for the students of the LAUSD.

Diana Menzer



If Gov. Gray Davis, aided by a willing, liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, had not hijacked and killed Prop. 187, which had been approved by 60% of the electorate, the LAUSD would be figuring out which schools to close rather than where to build additional ones. The reason for the shortage of classrooms is the flood of illegal immigrant children.

Donald Hirt

Paso Robles
