
Divide Afghanistan Along Ethnic Lines

As the United States and the United Nations puzzle over Afghanistan’s rule (Oct. 19), let me make a suggestion. Don’t try to form a government that will rule all of Afghanistan. Instead, subdivide it into several countries that will reflect the different ethnic groups, such as the Pushtun, Uzbeks, Tajiks and other minorities.

Note that Afghanistan, with a land area of 250,000 square miles, is larger than many Western European countries put together. For example, it is larger than Germany (137,800 square miles) plus Austria (32,376 square miles) plus Hungary (35,900 square miles) plus the Netherlands (16,033 square miles) plus Belgium (11,800 square miles) plus Switzerland (15,900 square miles), for a total of 249,809 square miles. Alternatively, it is larger than the United Kingdom (94,500 square miles) plus Germany plus the Netherlands, a total of 248,333 square miles. Just as these nations have found it desirable to be independent, so too it is entirely possible that some of the different ethnic groups in Afghanistan might find it desirable to form their own sovereign states.

This approach would be consistent with recent European history, if we think of the example of the subdivision of the original Yugoslavia and also the peaceful subdivision of the former Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Such an approach could also save a lot of lives and bring greater opportunity for self-determination to the inhabitants.


F.R. Tangherlini

San Diego
