
Eateries Aid Relief Efforts

On Oct. 11, many restaurants plan to help the relief effort in New York by donating a portion of the day’s proceeds or matching diners’ donations to the Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund or Dine for America. The Windows of Hope fund will provide aid to family members of food service workers who were victims of the World Trade Center tragedy. Dine for America donations will support the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Since the list of involved restaurants is growing hourly, call your favorite restaurants to see whether they are participating and how. Or visit the Windows of Hope or Dine for America Web sites at or

Donations may also be sent directly to Dine for America, 438 18th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 or Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund, c/o David Berdon & Co., LLP, 415 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017.


Also, Gary Farrell Winery in Sonoma County is offering 28 cases of library wines in a silent auction to benefit victims of the World Trade Center attack. The auction will conclude Oct. 12 and all proceeds will go to the United Way’s Sept. 11 Fund. The offerings are divided into nine lots; they include wines dating back to the mid-’80s. For more information, or to place bids, contact the winery’s Web site:
