
UC Admissions: From Free Throw to Tossup

Re “UC Admissions Plan Would De-Emphasize Grades, Tests,” Nov. 15: May I assume that the “compassionate” souls who would discard measurable academic standards as the primary criteria for admission to an academic institution would also take the same approach to my tryout with the UCLA basketball team?

OK, I’m five feet, five inches and slow, but after two hours of dedicated practice I once made six free throws in a row on my driveway court.

Sid Smolen



Thirty years ago California was in the top five states in K-12 education. Then people started “messing” around with the system and now we are No. 49. Now we are still considered to be in the top ranks for higher education. Don’t mess with it if it’s not broken!


Grades and SAT scores work for picking college students. If they are not up to par at the end of high school, it is better to go to a community college for two years and then transfer to a UC. That is what the junior college system is for.

What are these people doing? They are ruining the entire education system in California.

Judy Herbst

Beverly Hills


The proposed UC policy is an obvious attempt of racial bias against Asians. It is common knowledge that the acceptance rate of Asians to UC schools is way out of proportion to their population in California. They generally excel in grades and tests only due to very hard work and intelligence.

UC graduates contribute greatly to our society, and the regents should take great care and study before watering down entrance requirements.


Bob Kerber

