
Teacher Bonus Program Is an Insult to Teachers

The Times (editorial, Oct. 31) wrongly blames seniority for the discord surrounding bonus pay for LAUSD test scores, when the blame should clearly be placed on the program itself. The program is an affront to the dedication of California teachers. None of the award recipients studied, trained and spent countless hours away from their families because they had hopes of a big cash award. They did the work because it defines what they are all about--teaching.

Do teachers at high-scoring schools deserve higher pay? Of course they do. But so do all those who received no bonus pay yet worked just as hard under challenging conditions. LAUSD test scores are heading in the right direction--we beat the state averages this year--but regardless of our success, it’s simply bad educational policy to attach such high stakes to one standardized, multiple-choice test that doesn’t begin to reflect the depth and complexity of student learning.

United Teachers-Los Angeles is not alone in its revulsion to the bonus awards. Some teacher groups are urging their members to give all such bonuses to charity. Just imagine if the $675 million poured into this program had instead been spent on badly needed school maintenance, textbooks, supplies and, yes, a pay increase for all teachers. That’s where the money needs to go to really help our students.


Day Higuchi

UTLA President
