
Rackauckas Is Out of Line

* Re “Politics and the D.A,” an Orange County editorial on Feb. 25:

Your description of the activities of Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas as “walking a fine line” is generous. His pattern of favoritism to political supporters and donors and excessive politicalization of the office evidences multiple line crossings. The editorial highlights the several instances of avoiding the merit system in making promotions and hirings in the office. There have been repeated news reports of how campaign donors have received special treatment. Finally, his treatment of former assistant D.A.s is nothing less than reprehensible.

This is not a matter of a single lapse of judgment. Rather, the actions of Rackauckas disclose serious flaws in his ability to conduct his office in the best interests of the public.




* Re “Rackauckas Defends Actions in Campaign Donor’s Case,” Feb. 22:

Orange County’s current grand jury chairman, Joseph Gatlin, was quoted as saying, “Employee complaints often amount to little more than ‘sour grapes.’ ” He was referring to a handful of deputy district attorneys and investigators who have complained of alleged improprieties by their boss, Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas.


I know hardly anything about the current goings-on in the district and state attorneys general offices, other than what I pick up from the papers. But I do know a fair amount about the confidentiality provisions sworn to by every member of the grand jury, having served last year. In no way did we--chairman included--have the right to offer a personal opinion to anyone about any criminal case being heard by the grand jury itself or--heaven forbid--a case being heard elsewhere in the courthouse, in the D.A.’s office or by the state attorney general.

It demeans the neutrality of the grand jury when a chairman decides to step into partisan politics by offering any personal commentary. Maybe in the future the most appropriate comment when pressed on an issue between the deputy district attorneys and their boss would be a very firm “No comment.” Plus a nice smile.


Newport Beach
