
Police ‘Baffled’ Over Body Parts Find


The Los Angeles County coroner’s office Thursday began work on identifying severed body parts found on a residential street in Sylmar as a police investigation continued, authorities said.

A passerby walking in the 15000 block of Roxford Street on Wednesday morning found the human remains, which included two feet and two hands.

Forensic investigators will attempt to identify the victim by matching fingerprints with those on file in local, state and federal agencies, said David Campbell, a spokesman for the coroner. Investigators will study the hands and feet for distinguishing characteristics such as scars or tattoos.


A forensic anthropologist will also try to determine the age, gender and ethnicity of the victim, which officials said remained unclear because of discoloration and dehydration. The parts, however, appear to be from one body, they said.

Investigators searched the neighborhood for additional remains Thursday, but found none.

Authorities will review missing persons’ reports for possible leads.

“We’re still baffled,” said homicide Det. Frank Bishop of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Foothill Division.

“We’re keeping our mind open to different scenarios,” he said.

Natural, accidental or criminal circumstances could have deposited the body parts next to or inside a plastic trash bag along the street curb, Bishop said.


“Everything is speculation. The investigation will be a long, slow process,” he said.

Authorities declined to disclose details about other body parts or other contents of the trash bag, though they said a head and a torso have not been found.

Anyone with information is asked to call police at (818) 834-3115 or (818) 756-8861.
