
Shrinking Population Clouds Japan’s Future

Re “Baby Bust Has Japan Fearing for Its Future,” June 24: Economists are predicting a “semi-permanent recession” if Japan’s birthrate continues its current downward trend. The inference is clear that new workers keep the country solvent by supporting its retirees and welfare recipients. Is this any different than our Social Security system and welfare programs? Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.

For too long, countries around the world have accepted population growth as a necessary byproduct of economic growth. On a planet with finite resources, neither can be sustained indefinitely. Congratulations to those Japanese women who are taking matters into their own hands. It’s about time that the human race acted responsibly to reduce its impact on the Earth and its other inhabitants.

Thomas J. Shepherd

Canyon Country

I congratulate the Japanese women who are shouting “Enough” after one baby (June 24). Now let’s see that happen here.


Richard Kinz

