
Republicans Regroup as Senate Minority

Re “GOP Split Over Post-Jeffords Senate Agenda,” June 3: [Outgoing Senate Majority Leader] Trent Lott characterized Sen. Jim Jeffords’ defection from the Republican Party as a “coup of one” that subverts the will of the American people. Yeah, right. Lott forgets that the Republican president received a half-million fewer votes than the Democratic candidate and that the Republicans lost five Senate seats in the 2000 election.

If one looks at the election results, Jeffords in no way is subverting the will of the American people. What Americans are looking for in government is not “an aggressive, offensive effort” to advance the conservative agenda on the part of the Republican minority in the Senate, as Lott suggests, but an effort to reach an accommodation with the Democratic majority to advance the American agenda.

Jay Stevens

Long Beach

Re “Republicans Seek Assurance on Judges,” June 4: What chutzpah! Republicans want a guarantee that the Democrats will allow a floor vote on all judicial nominees, especially after denying for years hearings on Democratic nominees. How do you spell “fair”?


Stanley Gold

Van Nuys
