
Faith-Based Aid

If President Bush proceeds with his plan to give taxpayers’ money to religious institutions (Jan. 29-30), he will destroy the separation of church and state, and we will all be tithing involuntarily. The end result of Bush’s initiative will be religious conflict in this country--which many fled here from elsewhere to escape. Over time, religions will become vastly more powerful in their ability to force non-followers to conform to their religious rules. Religion has brought us the Inquisition, sexual abuse of choir boys by “celibate” clergy and female genital mutilation as a “coming of age” ritual. Bush’s plan will lead to religious leaders deciding which U.S. citizens are holier and therefore more deserving in the provision of taxpayer-paid government services.

Give me 100% secular government! Religion should remain separate and optional.



* Although I am pro-choice, I can see why those who hold religious beliefs against abortion do not want their taxes paying for abortions here or abroad. Likewise, I do not want my tax dollars going to groups that provide dogma-soaked charity.


Los Angeles
