
Colin Powell

* Re “Powell Puts U.S. on Pedestal, Observers Say,” Jan. 28:

Secretary of State Colin Powell’s views on “exceptionalism” and America’s superiority in the world are dangerously self-delusionary. He may see his role as the promulgation of the refined American way across the world, but the rest of the world is unlikely to be so receptive.

What is there to emulate about American democracy after the controversy and incompetence exhibited in Florida? Should foreign electoral commissions follow this model? Should other countries emulate the American way when it comes to firearms deaths, the blight of drugs in inner cities, the expense of health care or neglect of public infrastructure? Powell needs to get out more. He’ll see that other countries have perfectly satisfactory economic, social and political systems and that they haven’t used America 101 textbooks to get there. I would like to see an America that was humble enough to learn lessons from the rest of the world. Then the rest of the world might be a little more interested in accommodating this country’s rampant ego.


Los Angeles

* I am surprised to read of Powell’s tactless pronouncements regarding our superiority. For 40 years, I have traveled the world, and it seems obvious that his stance of “do as we say, not as we do” is a real loser.



Los Angeles
