
Lifting a Voice Against ‘Faux Diversity’

My main emotion upon reading about Kim Weston performing “Lift Every Voice and Sing” for George W. Bush’s inauguration is pity (“Dubya Takes D.C.,” Jan. 16). Weston has been in poor health, is attempting to resurrect her career and needs the money and exposure she received by singing at the event.

But to sing a song that means so much to people of color for a man who was appointed president by defrauding voters of color is disgusting. Weston is being used by the GOP in a cynical attempt to re-create the faux diversity they attempted to portray in their convention.

Weston, those of us who were disheartened and disenfranchised by the actions taken in Florida and by the Supreme Court will take note of those who celebrate the tarnished election of George W. Bush, and will make their music, concert and entertainment choices accordingly.



Temple City
