
State Providing Funds for 300 Trees

Already known for its love of trees, Ojai will receive about 300 more from a $22,000 state grant, officials said.

The new greenery is part of a city project to plant and tend to trees in Ojai, and create videos and workshops on how to care for trees.

More than 100 volunteers from tree-support groups will work on the project, including Concerned Resource Environmental Workers, Ojai Tree Committee, On Tap, the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, the Ojai Horticultural Society, the Ojai Garden Club, ReLeaf, and a memorial tree planting group.


Workers will plant about 50 of the trees on school grounds to offset the loss of a number of mature oaks, which arborists’ studies show are in poor health and likely will not live more than a few years, officials said.

The rest will be planted throughout the city.
