
Women in China

* “In China, 7 Brides for 14 Brothers” (Feb. 14) failed to mention the fourth variable in the shrinking pool of marriageable women. By some accounts there are 1 million female babies, toddlers and children in China’s orphanages. Since 1985, 25,000 of these babies have been adopted out of China. And the number is growing. My husband and I are the proud parents of two baby girls adopted from an orphanage in China in 1999.

The “exodus” of so many beautiful babies from China leaves behind a population of institutionalized girls/women who theoretically will never have bonded or attached to another human being. Not exactly marriage material. Half the Sky Foundation is an organization of mostly American parents who have committed to fund preschools and grandma programs in China’s orphanages ( So maybe all is not lost.


