
Hollywood Strike

Re “Anxiety on Dream Factory Assembly Line,” Feb. 4: I’m glad someone has finally written about the tremendous “collateral damage” that will occur in the event of a Writers Guild of America and/or a Screen Actors Guild strike. While not exactly blue-collar Hollywood, I’m employed by a TV series and will be out of work upon a strike. This means the tossing of my life into absolute chaos.

Now, I certainly don’t expect the heads of the studios or guilds to stop for one second to consider the enormous destruction that strikes will bring into people’s lives--the people who actually create the entertainment products that enrich them. That would be antithetical to the Hollywood way of not caring one iota beyond one’s own narrowly defined agenda. But has no government official stopped to realize what this will do to the Los Angeles economy? We’re talking about losses to Southern California in the billions of dollars. Where are the mediators? I fear that without some kind of intervention, the talks are doomed to collapse under the weight of the greed and egos the guild heads and studio negotiators bring to the table.


Valley Village
