
Also. . .

* A U.S. unit of Swiss food giant Nestle agreed to settle consumer class-action suits alleging it has fraudulently advertised its Calistoga and Arrowhead bottled water as being mountain spring water. A California judge gave preliminarily approval to the settlement, under which Great Spring Waters of America will make $5 million in coupons and other discounts available to consumers for five years. The company also agreed to make $4.75 million in donations to charities and perform additional tests on its California water sources. A lawyer for Great Springs declined to comment.


* John Lewis, a leading department store and supermarket chain in Britain, is buying the British branch of beleaguered Internet retailer Terms of the deal were not released., which sells computers, peripherals and office ware, and privately held John Lewis will maintain separate Web sites and product lines. was launched in Britain in March. It has recorded more than 80,000 customers.
