
Who Needs Rail--Besides OCTA Chief?

Re “We Must Study Rail as a Freeway Alternative,” Letters, Dec.9:

I’m not sure how Art Leahy of the Orange County Transportation Authority defines success when more than $7 billion was spent on light rail in Los Angeles and traffic continues to get worse.

Leahy cites a poll that discovered that “70% of the voters in Orange County support construction of a light-rail system,” but OCTA’s own Web site polls showed light rail in last place when voters were asked to prioritize OCTA’s “Power of Ten” transportation projects.

A second OCTA Web site poll shows light rail in last place when voters are asked, “What would motivate you to use public transportation rather than your car?”


Leahy’s definition of success must be “any government project that spends taxpayer dollars to help me keep my job.”

John Kleinpeter

Chairman, FAIR Transit
