
For Efficiency, Learn to Fly

John Balzar doesn’t have to cede visits to family far away, important business trips or travel outside of his backyard (“Coffee, Tea Without Me,” Commentary, Nov. 30). He can donate his airline frequent flier miles to charity and learn to fly. As a pilot and small aircraft owner (not a rich man’s luxury, by the way), despite some initial snags and setbacks following 9/11, I have had quick access to my aircraft, smooth and efficient service from air traffic control and fun, fast and productive trips. Mr. Balzar, get thee to the Yellow Pages under aircraft flight training schools.

Bruce Breslau



Although Balzar’s contempt for the airline industry is well-warranted, his cheap shot regarding “prison guard” flight crews was just plain thoughtless. I know flight crews. I know them well. And I know them to be a caring and dedicated group.

Jim Torcivia

Westlake Village
