
Eagle Rock: Hot Spot or Sore Spot?

Thank you for the story on Eagle Rock--one of the great, relatively hidden treasures of Los Angeles (“Mayberry, Shmayberry,” by Dave Gardetta, July 29). It irked me, however, that Gardetta didn’t seem to understand that the reason Eagle Rock matters is not because it might be poised as the “next hot place.” Eagle Rock offers an alternative to the tired trendiness of West Hollywood and Los Feliz. For Eagle Rock beginners, I suggest having dinner at Colombo’s on a Friday night to get a taste of the rich, quirky, wonderfully diverse community. This is a town with a sense of history and pride. It has been hot for years, and hipsters or not, it’ll be hot for years to come.

Matt Severson

West Hollywood


The town has been heading south since 1943, when my mother told me we were moving to Glendale. I asked why, and she answered that there was no future for Eagle Rock. Almost 60 years later, she is right on that prediction.

Don Schweitzer



First coffee comes to Eagle Rock. Then The Times writes a story about it. Somehow, the presence of coffee in a town is the new barometer of hipness. We shudder to see the word “hipster” linked with Eagle Rock. Now that we have three cafes along Colorado Boulevard, can we forget about affordable housing here? Will our neighborhood be besieged by trendy people looking for some action? Eagle Rock has no action; it’s dead, and some of us love that.


Eagle Rock always has been cool because of its laid-back quality--not because of boutiques and espressos. Now that attention has been paid to it, what is good about Eagle Rock suddenly seems threatened. Unless it can be left alone, this land that time forgot will become trendy and therefore ruined.

Carla Eisenberg

Jim Satchwill

Los Angeles
