
More Red Ant Sightings Prompt Warnings in Valley


Officials renewed warnings Wednesday about the dangers of red imported fire ants, which attack in swarms when their nests are disturbed, after new colonies were discovered in Sylmar.

The 22 mounds found earlier this week in the Carey Ranch development are not the only new sightings in Los Angeles County of the insect known for invading electrical boxes and stinging humans and animals. Other colonies have been found in Chatsworth and Mission Hills.

Since the first mound was found in September, 65 infestations in Sylmar have been reported to the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights & Measures Department, the lead agency in eradicating the aggressive ants.


County officials say they will soon begin an aggressive bait-treatment program to eradicate the colonies before the arrival of hot weather, which brings out the ants.

“This is a lifestyle-changing pest,” said county Agricultural Commissioner Cato R. Fiksdal. “You have health, environment, farm and quarantine issues that you would have to deal with if these ants get out of control.”

The pesky insects, which are reddish brown and about one-eighth- to one-quarter-inch long, bite into the skin with their pincers and pierce the flesh with a barbed stinger that causes a painful blister.


For people not allergic to the stings and bites, the most serious outcome of an attack is secondary infections. About 30 deaths from allergic reactions have been documented in the United States.

The ants can also invade outdoor sprinkler systems, underground utility boxes and swimming pool pumps, causing major property damage and potentially dangerous situations. Red imported fire ants also are a menace to animals, reptiles and birds, and they can destroy plants, officials say.

“They are very aggressive and defensive when they think there is a danger to their colonies,” Fiksdal said.


If residents or business owners suspect an infestation on their property, they are urged not to take matters into their own hands, Fiksdal said.

Over-the-counter insect repellent only pushes the ants farther underground and does nothing to halt reproduction, Fiksdal said. County exterminators use a meat bait that sterilizes the queen after she ingests it.

“We believe that we can eradicate the ants in California because they are not moving so fast that we can’t keep up with them,” Fiksdal said. “The trick is just finding where they are.”

Currently, Los Angeles County is spending $7 million to exterminate fire ants found at 284 properties.

Infestations of fire ants are particularly serious in Texas and Southeastern states, where officials have spent hundreds of millions to get rid of the insects.

In Southern California, colonies of fire ants were first seen in the fall of 1998 in Trabuco Canyon area of Orange County, north of Rancho Santa Margarita.


The highest concentrations of fire ants have been found in communities bordering Orange County. Officials surmise that the recently sighted ants were carried north on landscaping equipment, soil and plants bound for new housing developments in the San Fernando Valley.

Residents who suspect an infestation should call the toll-free Fire Ant Hotline at (888) 4FIREANT (888-434-7326).
