

Planning commissioners have unanimously approved construction of a 5,000-square-foot adult day-care center in a medical building at 9191 Westminster Ave.

Adult Day Services will be in the 14,500-square-foot structure along with dental and medical offices.

The day-care center will offer rehabilitation and other health services for those who are frail, disabled and at least 18 years old.


Staff members decided the site has sufficient parking to accommodate all building tenants because most of the day-care clients will not be driving themselves. The adult center is expected to offer a van pool for its patrons.

Commissioners also voted unanimously to approve the construction of an 800-square-foot car wash with a canopy at the Shell station at 13642 Euclid St. The total site is 24,000 square feet. The canopy will be Shell’s yellow color, even though city planners had asked the applicant for a neutral hue.
