

Costa Mesa community leaders are making plans to use $163 million in school bonds passed by voters to help bring their schools to the level of those in the Newport Beach portion of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

On the wish list are: a 50-meter pool for Costa Mesa High School and improved practice fields, and a 2,500-seat football stadium and improved athletic fields at Estancia High.

The cost of the pool has been put at $2 million. No estimates were available for the stadium expansion. To help accomplish these goals, foundations for both high schools joined forces to create a third foundation: the Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation, which will raise money for the projects, treasurer Jim Scott Jr. said.


“Harbor Boulevard of Cars will be presenting a check for around $50,000 in October, with the majority of it going to this project,” said foundation member Jim Ferryman, who serves on the Newport-Mesa board of trustees. “The city has also expressed an interest in helping.”
