
U.S.-Mexico Border

Re Vicente Fox’s open border proposal: If I were the newly elected president of Mexico, I too would want an open border with the U.S. Mexico has been so mismanaged, misgoverned and corrupted over the years that it is a sinkhole of poverty, illiteracy, crime and disease. The obvious solution for Mexico is to dump all of that on the U.S.

But can the U.S. actually absorb all of that even if it wanted to? The public school system in Southern California has already been destroyed by the massive influx of immigrants from Mexico, both legal and illegal. And Fox wants to send us more?

We could easily close the border. The U.S. federal government has simply never seriously tried to do so.



Los Angeles


Re “Fox Must Change Mexico, Not the World” and “Why Not Some New Thinking?” Commentary, Aug. 31:

With the world’s peoples messed up by religion and its natural resources by population, why should the United States import both? What we desperately need is intelligent attrition; scientists demonstrate and tell us exactly that, more and more every day.


San Pedro


“Big, Bold Ideas From the South” (editorial, Aug. 25) is ludicrous. Really big and bold ideas from Mexico would be universal sex education for all children from ages 7 to 17, free availability to all children and adults of condoms, birth control pills and abortion services and tax and welfare incentives to restrict population growth to one child per family. Other big and bold ideas would be greater emphasis on female education and jobs so as to emancipate women and delay their childbearing years to Western standards (late 20s, early 30s).


Unless Mexico gets its 3%-plus population growth down to under 2%, its economic and crime problems will never end.


Beverly Hills


I imagine that many people in Guatemala are happy to hear that Mexico is advocating open borders.


