
Seeing the Other Side of the Islamic Veil

I find it repulsive the way the media only portray the “forced” aspect to the Islamic concept of veiling (“Exhibition Exposes Attitudes Toward Tradition of Veiling,” Sept. 8). Your portrayal is one-sided and bigoted. I suggest the next time you refer to the “forced” aspect of veiling, you also include a summary of this information to enlighten the public as to why we are “forced” to cover up and what benefits we reap. Naturally, a half-naked woman out in public is more likely to endure sexual harassment than a modestly dressed woman in loose, long clothing. I am an American-born Muslim, and no one imposes the veil on me; I wear it because I choose to. It is because we, the believing women, choose to do so. It liberates women from the portrayal of being nothing more than sexual objects. We have much more respect and pride veiled.


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