

City Council members will discuss awarding a contract for $96,000 to Norris-Repke Inc. for consulting on street improvement designs. Engineering plans will be drawn for stretches of Texas and Maple streets as well as the area bounded by Westminster and Beach boulevards, and Cedarwood and Hazard avenues.

Council members will also consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation to rezone 1.5 acres of land from light industrial to general business. The recommendation also includes renaming a small sliver of that site, located at 14731 Goldenwest St., from a buffer to a general business zone.

Other council business includes approving Mayor Frank Fry Jr.’s appointee to the Ad Hoc Streetscape Policy Committee and voting on a book drive to be sponsored by the Youth Committee.


The council meets at 6 p.m. tonight in council chambers at the Civic Center, 8200 Westminster Blvd.
