
My Heroine

From the second that I was born, there has always been someone with me who has showed that she loved me. Through bad times and good times this person has always been right next to me. My hero is my mom.

She is the most unselfish person I know. Before making sure she’s doing good, she makes sure all of her daughters, including me, are doing good.

My mom has raised me well, despite all our economic hardships. She always takes care of me when I’m sick by giving me medicine and making me hot lemon tea with honey to make me feel better.


Thanks to her I have always maintained good grades and handled three high school sports teams.

I always look forward to coming home to smell what she’s making for dinner. The smell makes me so hungry. Her food is original because it’s from Nicaragua.

I feel so secure when I’m with my mom. The closet monsters will never get me when she’s around. She always protects me. I want her to always know that I look up to her and admire her and cherish our memories.



Van Nuys High School

Medical Magnet
