



* May Madness 5K at Concordia University in Irvine. There is also a one-mile kids’ race and a 400-meter fun run. Details: (949) 854-8002, ext. 1423.


May 21

* Kring & Brown Newport Beach Triathlon is a sprint event that starts at Newport Dunes. The swim is a half-mile in the Back Bay, the bike course is a moderately hilly 13 miles on the streets of Newport Beach and Irvine and the run is three miles around the Back Bay. Details: 714) 978-1528 or



* Orange Coast Velo cycling club meets at Worthy Park, 17th and Main streets in Huntington Beach. Rides vary from 25 to 50+ miles and begin at 7:30 a.m. with periodic regrouping and rest stops. After-ride socializing at Noah’s Bagels on Main Street. For information call Jerry, (714) 960-4214 or Peter (714) 848-7618.


* Orange County Wheelmen training, 8 a.m., Food Park, MacArthur and Main, Irvine. Beginner and intermediate training group will ride and stay as a group. Informal lectures will cover stretching, nutrition and hill climbing. Led by Fred and Peg Bauer, (714) 997-0892.

* Bicycle Club of Irvine rides, 9 a.m., meets at Deerfield Park, Irvine. Three routes, 10-15, 15-25 and 25-35 miles, each with a stop midway for breakfast. Rides finish at about 11:30 a.m. Ride leaders Scott and Sandy Angle, (714) 960-4068.

* Velo Allegro Cycling Club meets at 8 a.m. at Long Beach Marina off Second Street for 24-mile ride at 14-18 mph pace. Those with paceline experience meet at 7:30 a.m. for warmup and speed training of up to 50 miles. Details: Julio, (562) 988-8117.



May 25

* REI’s Santa Ana store presents “A Planning Guide to Trekking Overseas” at 7 p.m. Two REI employees, Lisa Chavez and Michael Mineni, who traveled to Nepal last August, and travel consultant Richard Hamel will discuss how best to visit the world’s tough-to-reach places. Topics will include trip planning and preparation, visas and vaccinations and gear selection and packing. Chavez and Mineni will show slides of their trip to the Khumbu Region and Kathmandu. Details: (714) 543-4142.



* Sierra Club’s South Orange County group offers an aerobic workout for fast to moderate hikers. It’s a two-hour hike with an 840-foot elevation gain. Meet at 7 p.m. behind Las Brisas restaurant, Cliff Drive and Coast Highway. Bring water and lugsoles. Details: (949) 631-3140 or
