


CASTAIC LAKE--Fishing is fair for largemouth bass. One 10 pounds five ounces was caught by Jim McElfresh, Valencia, who was float-tubing the lower lake with a plastic worm. A nine-pounder also was fooled on the lower lake. A 17-pound striped bass was caught on the upper lake by Eric Stepanek, Castaic, on a swim-bait. Some trout.

PYRAMID LAKE--Striped bass are showing near the surface. The best action, though, is for largemouth bass, which are schooling at 10-15 feet, biting on plastic worms and night crawlers. Some trout and catfish.


LAKE PIRU--Bass fishing has dropped off, but it’s still good early and a 7 1/2-pounder was caught on a night crawler. Trout fishing is OK for those trolling at 15-20 feet using bikini- and rainbow-pattern Needlefish.


LAKE CASITAS--A lake employee said 4-year-old Haley Graham of Ojai was the happiest angler of the week, having landed six red-ear perch using night crawlers. The red-ear bite is on, but the focus remains on bass and trout.


LAKE CACHUMA--Bass action is improving, but the fish are still at about 20 feet. Trout fishing is a little better, with Rapalas getting a lot at the east end.


LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Bass and trout are being caught. Try plastics for bass and night crawlers or salmon eggs for trout.


IRVINE LAKE--A trout plant is scheduled today, so the fishing should be good all weekend. The bad news: The lake has yet to accumulate enough water to open its ramp, thus the Irvine experience is low-level in more ways than one.

SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Top trout topped out at 13-3, caught by Roland Guerrero, Chino Hills, on rainbow Power Bait. Fishing is fair for trout and catfish.


JESS RANCH LAKES--A 12-pound trout was caught on Power Bait. Catfish action is fair.


LAKE SKINNER--A 17-pound striped bass was caught on a swim-bait. The stripers are biting, though most are much smaller. Largemouth bass and bluegills are active too. Some trout and catfish.


CORONA LAKE--Today might be a good day to play hooky, as a “bonus plant” of fish to about 20 pounds is scheduled this morning. Additional bonus plants are scheduled over the next three weeks.

LAKE PERRIS--A few bass came in at five pounds or more and there were reports of an 11-pounder. Fishing is pretty good at the east end.


SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--A 12-pound 4-ounce bass was caught on a crawdad at Hodges, but Sutherland, El Capitan and Lower Otay also produced big fish. A 58-pound blue catfish was caught at San Vicente, marking the third consecutive week of a fish 50 pounds or more. El Capitan is yielding some nice crappie catches.

LAKE POWAY--Big trout are the big news. A few weighed in at 10 pounds or more, and many came in at closer to five pounds. Some bass.

LAKE CUYAMACA--Trout fishing remains steady on the usual stuff. A 3-8 trout caught on a silver Rapala tops the list. A 7-8 largemouth bass was caught by a trout angler trolling a Panther Martin.

DIXON LAKE--A 13-2 bass caught on an unnamed lure and a few other lunkers were weighed in. Trout fishing is good and among those catching his limit was Marty Milner, co-host of the radio show “Let’s Talk Hook-Up” and formerly of “Adam-12” fame.



The Owens River has been very productive for those using caddis-larvae flies, crickets and small, gold spinners. Sierra Drifters reports 15- to 30-fish days from its boats. The gorge is very productive, albeit for very small browns. Pleasant Valley Reservoir is even more productive--and for bigger fish. Tinnemaha Reservoir (and below) is yielding bass and trout.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--15 anglers (1 boat): 1 lingcod, 80 red rock cod, 70 rockfish.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--44 anglers (2 boats): 1 white sea bass, 62 calico bass, 2 halibut, 20 barracuda, 75 rockfish, 20 sand dabs. (Captain Hook’s/Gold Coast)--17 anglers (1 boats): 10 sand bass, 15 rockfish, 3 sculpin, 6 white fish, 155 red snapper, 15 sand dabs.

MARINA DEL REY--92 anglers (4 boats): 17 halibut, 33 sand bass, 6 sculpin.

REDONDO BEACH--53 anglers (2 boats): 3 halibut, 20 sand bass, 15 calico bass, 12 sculpin, 3 red rock cod, 1 cabezon, 15 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--28 anglers (2 boats): 17 calico bass, 13 sand bass, 8 blue perch, 9 sculpin, 1 cabezon, 1 rockfish, 2 halibut, 1 sheephead. (22nd St. Landing)--34 anglers (3 boats): 19 yellowtail, 96 rockfish, 38 salmon grouper, 28 red snapper, 25 white fish, 21 blue perch, 9 sand bass, 7 sculpin, 6 sheephead, 5 halibut, 1 barracuda, 1 calico bass.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)-- 10 anglers (1 boat): 4 sand bass, 7 rockfish, 2 sheephead, 10 sculpin, 1 white fish, 1 sole. (Marina Sportfishing)--16 anglers (1 boats): 29 sand bass, 82 whitefish, 1 perch, 1 sculpin, 14 rockfish. (Belmont Pier)--7 anglers ( 1 boat):37 rock cod, 21 salmon grouper, 1 red snapper. (Pierpoint Landing)--54 anglers (4 boats): 1 yellowtail, 8 white sea bass, 7 calico bass, 6 sand bass, 31 rockfish, 6 sculpin, 7 sheephead, 9 perch, 13 halibut, 62 Spanish mackerel, 1 sargo.


SEAL BEACH--20 anglers (1 boat): 42 sand bass, 6 sculpin, 56 halibut (39 released).

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)-- 21 anglers (2 boats): 20 calico bass, 1 halibut, 78 sculpin, 1 white sea bass. (Davey’s Locker)--51 anglers (2 boats): 40 calico bass, 23 sand bass, 7 sculpin, 8 sheephead, 2 halibut, 50 blue perch, 1 opal eye, 12 white fish.

DANA WHARF--39 anglers (2 boats): 14 calico bass, 46 sand bass, 1 sculpin.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--50 anglers (2 boats): 9 sand bass, 3 halibut, 255 sculpin, 5 sheephead.

SAN DIEGO (Seaforth)--49 anglers (5 boats): 1 sand bass, 38 rockfish, 56 whitefish, 2 sheephead, 12 sculpin. (Islandia)--25 anglers (2 boats): 4 whitefish, 66 rock cod, 4 sculpin, 24 rockfish, 3 mackerel.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Downey Wilderness Park Lake, El Dorado Park Lake, Elizabeth Lake, Legg Lake, Pyramid Lake. ORANGE--Trabuco Creek. RIVERSIDE--Fulermill Creek, Fulmor Lake, Strawberry Creek. SAN BERNARDINO--Santa Ana River, Santa Ana River (South Fork). VENTURA--Lake Casitas, Lake Piru, Rose Valley Lake. SANTA BARBARA--Lake Cachuma, Davy Brown Creek, Lion Canyon Creek, Manzana Creek, Santa Ana River. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Atascadero Lake, Lopez Lake, Santa Margarita Lake.

--Compiled by PETE THOMAS
