
Methyl Bromide Hearing

* I am extremely concerned about a significant local public health issue. The pesticide methyl bromide, proven to be a health hazard for people, is being used in great amounts in our local farming areas.

I have become aware that because it is a fumigant, the gas seeps out of the ground for days after application. It can drift into adjacent schoolyards and can cause problems for the children and staff at these schools. I’ve read that some teachers believe this pesticide is making them and students sick.

The chemical also poses a hazard to farm workers and is contributing to depletion of an already suffering ozone layer.


This Saturday the state will hold a public hearing in Ventura on methyl bromide. Our voices need to be heard to make a difference. I urge everyone to attend the hearing at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Seaside Park / Ventura Fairgrounds.


