
Subway’s Arrival in the Valley

Re “Subway’s Arrival in Valley Ends a Long, Costly Journey,” June 18.

It took bold and adventurous politics to approve and build this system, something we sorely lack in this “centrist” age. I was disgusted and appalled to read the comments by our so-called forward-looking legislators.

As it was in the 1950s, diesel or [propane] burning buses are not the answer to traffic or fuel consumption, nor are they a solution to future overcrowding in Los Angeles. It is shortsighted politics at its finest.

This system is being built for the future. Not for us, but for our children’s children, 40 years from now. Yes, the system seems expensive to build but, believe me, building an effective mass-transit system will never be cheaper than it is today. . . . Riordan and the others should be ashamed of themselves. For as in the Belmont [Learning Center] fiasco, they are not working toward a future Los Angeles but only pandering to the current self-centered and self-serving upper-class residents of L.A.



