
Think Comfort --and a Few Hours Ahead

Here are a few tips for maximizing your comfort at outdoor theatrical events.

What to Pack

* At venues that don’t provide seats, take a blanket, sleeping bag or low-profile seating device. People behind you will have trouble seeing over a tall folding chair, so most companies request that your seats be no higher than a squat beach chair. If you bring something taller, you may be asked to sit at the back.

Even at venues that provide seats, you may want a cushion to soften the plastic, metal or wood.

* Bring sunglasses and a hat, if you’re seeing a daytime show, as well as sunscreen and drinking water.


* For nighttime shows, bring a flashlight to light the way back to your car.

* Bring insect repellent.

* For a full outdoor experience, bring a picnic meal. Keep in mind: Food and most drinks aren’t allowed in the viewing area, and public parks won’t allow alcohol.

What to Wear

* Dress comfortably and dress for the weather.

* For daytime performances: If you opt for short sleeves or short pants, take along warmer clothing in case the air turns cool.

* For evening, bring add-on layers.


* Arrive early to stake out seating, as it’s unreserved at most venues. Call ahead to find out when the gates open, and when most people tend to arrive.
