Defining Networks: Why Client-Servers Lack Peers
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Question: Is there a difference between “networking” computers and “peer-to-peer” computer networks?
--A. Avilos, Los Angeles
Answer: When computers are networked, it means they are connected together. A peer-to-peer network lets each computer attached to the network share its files and printer with any of the other connected computers. These networks are easy to set up using Windows 98 and are ideal for home or small office use.
A client-server network is the traditional computer network. It assigns all of the network duties to a server computer. The other computers on that network are called “workstations” and can share any programs, data or CD-ROM drives installed on the server hard drive. Workstations can use any printer attached to the server and can also share their connected printers with other workstations.
How to Change Names of Files or Folders
Q: Is there a way that I can change the name of Windows folders or files?
--Barbara W., Glendora
A: To change the name of a folder, right-click on the folder and then select Rename. You also can click on the folder once, pause for a second or two, and then click again. You can now rename the folder by just typing in the new name and pressing the Enter key. To change file names, right-click on the file and then select Rename.
Computer Can Make, Log Phone Calls
Q: I make a number of telephone calls each day at work. Is there a way I can use my computer to store the numbers I call and track both incoming and outgoing calls?
--Chris F., Torrance
A: Windows has a program called Phone Dialer that can use your modem to make outgoing calls. Phone dialer also can record a log of incoming and outgoing calls. To use Phone Dialer, click Start and then select Accessories. Click on Communications and then select Phone Dialer.
If you are using Windows 95, you can find Phone Dialer in the Accessories submenu. Speed Dial can save up to eight phone numbers in its speed-dial memory. To enter information, click on any empty speed-dial button, type in a name and phone number, and click Save. Now you can click on that speed-dial button to make a speed-dial call.
If you are looking for a full contact management program, take a look at One of the products available from Baseline is Office Accelerator, a phone book that can store 32,000 names. Each record can have up to 100 search fields. A “notes” field can hold pages of information. The program is installed in your Word processor and makes labels, mail-merge letters and faxes easy. You can dial and log calls from within the program. It sells for about $70.
Getting an Uncluttered View of the Internet
Q: I use Microsoft Internet Explorer to explore the Internet. There are so many tool bars on my screen that I can’t get the entire picture without having to scroll up and down. Is there a way to open IE without all of those tool bars?
--Luanne G., Tehachapi
A: You can press the F11 key to go to Full Screen mode. Pressing F11 again returns you to normal mode. You can also use the “kiosk” mode in IE to really get a full screen view of the Internet. Here’s how.
Right-click on an open area of your Desktop. Select New and then Shortcut. In the Command Line box type “C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerEXPLORE”. Be sure to include the quotes. Click on Next. Type IE KIOSK MODE (no quotes) and then click on Finish. Now you can double-click on the IE KIOSK icon and open IE in the Kiosk mode. Web pages now will take up the entire screen. To open another page, press the Ctrl key and the letter O. To close IE, press both the Alt and F4 keys.
Program Restores Use of Print Screen Key
Q: I remember a time when the Print Screen key would print whatever was on my screen. It would even print the screen when I was in DOS. Windows 95 and 98 didn’t let that key work like it did. How can I use the Print Screen key to actually print things on the screen?
--Michael K., Century City
A: Since Windows 95 and now with Windows 98, the Print Screen key copies a screen image to your Clip Board. The only way you can print Clip Board contents is to paste the content into a document and then print the document.
A smarter solution is a software program called Printscreen 2000 from Super Simple Software. Printscreen 2000 restores the Print Screen functions so you can use the Print Screen key to print any DOS screen. This program also lets you print or capture your full Desktop, active window or even selected areas.
You can, at your option, save a screen image in a .BMP, PCX, GIF or JPEG format. .BMP files make great Desktop wallpaper. The program has other features, such as reversing image colors for printing and selecting specific areas of your screen image and then stretching them to full page. Printscreen 2000 costs $21.95 and is available at For the money, it’s a terrific product.
Jeff Levy hosts the “On Computers” radio talk show from 9 a.m. to noon Sundays on KFI-AM (640). He can be reached at