
Schedule of Convention Events


All times Pacific

4:30--5 p.m.

House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) to open the convention via satellite from Carpenters Hall, a site where the Continental Congress met.

Historic Pennsylvania Colonial Fife and Drum Corps to present colors.

10-year-old Mari Griego of Rio Rancho, N.M., to sing the national anthem.

Invocation by Rabbi Victor Weisberg of Northbrook, Ill.


5-6 p.m.

Roll call. Alphabetical by state starting with Alabama and ending with Iowa. This remains tentative.

Game show host Ben Stein with a political version of his Comedy Central show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money.”



7-8 p.m.

Texas First Lady Laura Bush to discuss literacy.

Retired U.S. Gen. Colin L. Powell to discuss community and volunteer service.



Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s chief foreign policy advisor.

Elizabeth Hanford Dole, former Cabinet secretary.

Former Sen. Bob Dole.

Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf (from the battleship New Jersey docked in Camden, N.J.).

Sen. John McCain of Arizona.



Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, via satellite.

Acceptance speech by vice presidential nominee Dick Cheney.



George P. Bush, nephew of the Texas governor.

Bush’s acceptance speech.
