
He Has Had His Fill of Jerry Meandering

How much longer are we going to have to read about the “Days of Our Jerry West Lives?”

If he is so stressed out, if his insides are churning, if he is a bundle of nerves, and if he is literally living on the edge, why doesn’t he just go his own way and spare us the annual “I can’t take it anymore,” “Nobody loves me,” “I am thinking of retiring,” ad nauseam, complaining. He certainly does not need the money.

Please, Jerry, gives us a break and retire. Your same old postseason dialogue is really getting repetitive, not to mention downright tiresome. Either do it or don’t do it, but give us all a break and suffer in silence. The rest of us are also under the daily stress of just surviving and we are paid a mere pittance compared to what you are earning.




I just want to take this time to thank Jerry West for his 40 years of service to this great city. Thank you, Mr. West, for your commitment to winning, this city, the Lakers and the fans. You are the epitome of class, integrity and the true definition of being a Laker. Thank you for the joy you have brought everyone here in L.A. You will be missed.



