
Dorothy Corwin; Aided Arts, Jewish Groups

Dorothy Corwin, 90, a philanthropist who supported visual and performing arts and local Jewish institutions. Corwin moved from her native New York to Los Angeles in 1924 and attended Hollywood High School and UCLA. In 1933 she married Sherill C. Corwin, who built a fortune managing movie theaters, including such palatial downtown Los Angeles movie houses as the Million Dollar and the Orpheum theaters. The Corwins shared a devotion to the arts and she continued their philanthropy after her husband’s death in 1980. Among the civic and charitable boards she served on were the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, the Skirball Cultural Center, Temple Israel of Hollywood, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, the Music Center, the Museum of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Alternative Living for the Aging. She and her late husband endowed the Dorothy and Sherill C. Corwin Chair in music composition at UC Santa Barbara. On Wednesday in Los Angeles.
