
Couple Weave Tapestry of Time

At work since 1973, Mary and Sal Fasulo have almost finished a 7-by-10-foot medieval tapestry.

On a trip to Hearst Castle 17 years ago, they saw the tapestry “La Fleur Mille” hanging in the billiard room of the mansion.

It inspired the couple to try to create a needlepoint re-creation. Using a postcard of the original as a guide, they got to work.


“You have to finish what you start,” she said. “But a lot of living goes on in 30 years.”

Year by year, Mary stitched countless hours, using French wool yarn to create the detailed hunting religious scene filled with flowers, horses, people and dogs inspired by the original.

Their stitching work on the tapestry was finished a year ago, but it took almost a year to treat the back of it, align the four panels together and balance the piece.

The couple, married 35 years, hosted an unveiling of the tapestry Sunday at their home. Nearly 100 people turned out to see the nearly completed work.


“Life grew around this tapestry,” she said. “We never thought of it as any more than a family project.”
