
More of Spanish Galleon’s Treasure Found

From Associated Press

The treasure hunters who discovered the gold-laden Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha have found another part of the wreck that is yielding gold bars, money chains, silver coins and jewelry.

The sparkling booty, estimated to be worth $500,000, was exhibited and unloaded from a salvage vessel Wednesday. The salvagers believe there could be millions of dollars more in treasure yet to be discovered.

“We think this is probably going to be bigger than the initial mother lode,” said Morgan Perkins, a representative of the Fisher family.


Treasure hunter Mel Fisher, who died in 1998, found the first silver coin from the Nuestra in 1971. The family found the main pile in 1985.

The Nuestra, carrying millions in gold and silver bullion, was bound for Spain from the New World when it went down in a hurricane about 30 miles west of Key West in 1622. The Fishers’ company, Treasure Salvors Inc., has recovered artifacts estimated to be worth $200 million to $500 million.

Mel Fisher’s son, Kim Fisher, said his dive teams located the “sterncastle”--the galleon’s rear structure, where the aristocracy, the clergy and their belongings traveled--about 12 miles from the original find 15 years ago.


He said his crews uncovered three solid gold bars, 120 silver coins, several gold chains, a gold medallion of possible Aztec origin and assorted other pieces of Indian jewelry believed to have come from South America.

“In addition to the gold and silver, we’re finding swords, cannonballs, rifles and other armaments,” Fisher said.
