
Rottweiler’s Owners Seek Apology for Deputy’s Shooting of Dog

The owners of a 100-pound Rottweiler shot to death in the backyard of their home by a reserve sheriff’s deputy want an apology from the department.

Oz Frias, 26, described Samson as “lazy and lovable.” He said the dog liked to play soccer with kids, lean his full weight into people’s legs, bark at the lawn mower and sleep on cold concrete.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department, however, said the deputy who shot the dog nine times feared for his life when he encountered Samson while answering a false burglar alarm. The preliminary investigation has found Reserve Deputy Fred Lebhart did nothing wrong.


Sheriff’s Sgt. Kelsey Lovelady said Lebhart was checking for signs of forced entry at the home a little after noon when he went to the side of the house and looked through the white iron gate.

“He didn’t see anything, so he felt safe to enter,” Lovelady said.

According to the incident report, the sergeant said, Lebhart walked along the side of the house and came upon a growling and barking Samson. The deputy turned around and ran. He reached for his pepper spray, Lovelady said, but couldn’t get it out of his belt.

“He was in fear for his life,” the sergeant said.

Lovelady said Lebhart shot the dog several times, but “it spun around and came back after him,” so he shot the dog again and again “until it went down.”
