
An Oil Change

If you have never tried soybean oil, you will be surprised at its clean flavor. It has a high smoking point, which makes it ideal for frying. On top of that, it’s low in saturated fat. It is available in health-food stores, though it tends to be rather pricey there. So we were delighted to find it available in bulk.

1 gallon soybean oil, $4.49 at Smart & Final stores.

Soy Power

High-protein Soy Nuts I buy are good for snacking or tasty as a salad-topper. They’re soybeans that have been roasted without oil, which means no added fat. Start munching them, and you can’t stop. Each 1/3-cup serving contains 11 grams of protein.

GeniSoy Soy Nuts in salted, unsalted, barbecue or hickory-smoked flavors, about $3.50 per 5-ounce package from General Nutrition Center stores, Whole Foods, Wild Oats and health food sections of some grocery stores.
