
Valley Youths to Perform in Pacoima Mariachi Concert


More than 100 San Fernando Valley youths will perform in the fifth annual La Voz del Mariachi concert Sunday at the San Fernando High School auditorium.

The concert will feature 10 area mariachi groups, made up of elementary school to college students, some with extensive musical experience and others performing in public for the first time.

Groups scheduled to appear include Los Halcones, Aguila Azteca, Fiesta Mexicana and Este es Mi Mexico.


Also appearing will be Maria Rojo, a San Fernando High graduate who has performed professionally with the popular mariachi group La Reyna de Los Angeles at the Greek Theatre and the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.

On Sunday, Rojo will perform with Mariachi Aztlan, a well-known group in the Los Angeles area.

The concert begins at 3 p.m.; the high school is at 11133 O’Melveny Ave.

Admission is $8 general and $5 for students. Proceeds will be divided among the participating groups so that they can purchase instruments, attend conferences and pay for music lessons.


For more information, call (818) 896-7677.
