
Prop. 22

As election time approaches, many citizens have placed signs in favor of the protection of marriage initiative, Prop. 22, in their front yards. It appears there is an organized effort by the opposition of Prop. 22, propagated through the Internet, to trespass on private property and remove the signs that express support for Prop. 22. This constitutes not only inappropriate activity but illegal activity.

The opposition to Prop. 22 has a right to express opinions on the subject but not a right to prohibit me from expressing mine. When signs are on private property, they should be left there. This is America and I still have a right to free speech, even when it is not in line with the political left.


Mission Viejo


There’s a flaw in Rodney Guyton’s understanding about the founding principles of our country (letter, Feb. 17). He claims that our Judeo-Christian foundation needs to be protected. America does not have a national religion. In fact, the Constitution clearly excludes religion from having any role in our government. The only religious foundation we have in this country is the idea of religious freedom.


Just because he chooses to put his faith in Christianity, that doesn’t give him the right to impose his religious values on the rest of us. The founding fathers wisely chose the policy of separation of church and state, and every time a Christian conservative attempts to legislate Christian morality, it’s a slap in the face of liberty and freedom.


West Los Angeles
