Imagery Links Mom With Unborn Child
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Dear Cynthia: I dreamed that I was standing up looking down at my feet. There I saw a little girl; she was a little taller than my knees. She had long brown hair and an angelic face. She was smiling at me with her arms stretched upward toward me, just as a child does when he or she wants to be picked up. As I reached for her, I woke up.
What does this mean? I found out about a week after having this dream that I am pregnant. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that I will be having a daughter. I have always wanted a girl. What do you think?
Via e-mail
Dear Sylvia: The psychic link between a developing baby and its mother is very strong. Pregnant women often dream of their unborn children. Some women have dreams depicting concerns about being a good mother. Others have dreams where they come to understand their ambiguity about becoming a mother. And some pregnant women dream of nutrients that they or their unborn would benefit from during gestation.
Some women feel that in an unusual way they communicate with their unborn children through the dream state. Some adults report having dreams that they are back in the womb. In these accounts, people report hearing conversation or arguments their mother was involved in while pregnant!
Considering the many dreams I have read and stories I have heard from pregnant women, it does not seem at all unlikely to me that you did get a glimpse of your child in your dream state. Of course you will know in time if you do give birth to a daughter. Perhaps the dream was saying that your baby chose you on some spiritual level and is happy you are her mother.
There is another explanation. That is that the girl you saw in your dream is a part of you. Do you need to nurture yourself more? Many of us forget the joy of being a child. It can be very therapeutic to swing on a swing, color in a coloring book or finger-paint! Sometimes it is the simple pleasures that manage our stress and restore a sense of well-being.
Cynthia Richmond is the author of “Dream Power, How to Use Your Night Dreams to Change Your Life” (Simon & Schuster, 2000). Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (818) 783-3267 or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. “In Your Dreams” appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.