
Brewing Up a Tour in Vintage Victoria

The popularity of handcrafted beers has inspired a new tour that visits six microbreweries and brew pubs on Canada’s Vancouver Island and includes a stay in oh-so-British Victoria.

The “Ale Trail” tour, which began last month, is offered the first weekend of each month except July and August; the next one is March 3 and 4, according to Chris Higgins, spokesman for the operator, First Island Tours. Participants visit the breweries and sample the suds from noon to 10:30 p.m., stay overnight in a Victoria inn, then resume their quest from 9 to 11 a.m. Lunch, dinner and breakfast are included.

“The goal is not to get drunk--that’s why there’s plenty of food,” Higgins explains. The price is about $185 per person, double occupancy, $253 single occupancy. A half-day tour that hits four brew houses and excludes lodging costs about $81. Book through Colwood Travel at (800) 970-7722.
