
Drug Corruption and Police Scandal

LAPD drug corruption, billions of U.S. dollars to battle drug lords in Colombia, prisons overcrowded by drug arrests, and that is just Feb. 15’s news. Drug prohibition is a failed policy. As Robert Scheer (“O.J. Jury Knew the Score,” Commentary, Feb. 15) put it, this “is an inevitable outcome of the drug war that has taken civil liberty as its first casualty. Much like the early 20th century war to prohibit the sale of alcohol.”

The Times in its Feb. 15 editorial on Colombia asks the White House to make its case. Listen to Scheer, he has made the case; prohibition is a failed policy and must be ended. We have been there before.


Los Angeles


Robert Scheer, you’re such a crusader for the minorities and their communities. To me you look like a white male who I only assume has not spent day one in a gang- or drug-infested area. Let’s not forget that the Los Angeles Police Department broke the Perez scandal (not LAPD scandal).


Crime is down nationwide and I’m sure the so-called minority communities appreciate it. Rafael Perez and his evil cohorts are in the hot seat. What else would you like to be done? Instead of tearing apart my city, stay behind your desk and wait for the next unfortunate event to happen, at which time you can offer your expert opinion from your safe office.


San Pedro


Thank you, Robert Scheer, for your admission of what we in “the African American community” have known about the dark side of law enforcement since its inception. Johnnie Cochran put it quite plainly, “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”




Forget your criticism of the Rampart CRASH unit (“Beatings Alleged to Be Routine at Rampart,” Feb. 14). They merely gave these vicious street hoodlums a dose of their own medicine. These police understand the code of the street and speak to these dirty criminals in the only language they understand. Kudos to CRASH!



Los Angeles
